Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Palliative Sedation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Palliative drugging - Essay ExamplePalliative sedation is a unspoiledtherapyas it provides comfort and dignified death. The findvalueof palliative medicine is torelievesuffering (Braun,Hagen& Clark, 2003). It is an accepted and accomplishmentive symptomcontrol rulefor perseverings with intractable natural symptoms.Palliative sedationgetsupported by beneficence,autonomyand doubleeffectdoctrine. According toautonomyevery person has a right todecide to regardhealth circumstance based on the beliefs, values and goals. Suffering being a personal experience, a person should be given achanceto choose the options theywishto use to relieve pain (Quill, Dresser & Brock, 1997). base on beneficence principle, health care practitioners shouldoffercare that is beneficial to patients. Relief of suffering whether physical oremotionalis theirduty. Clinicians shouldweighall the options and bear in mind that palliative sedation isbeneficialto the caregivers and familytoo. The double effect doctrin e deals with the intention of treatment. In this case, the intention is torelievesuffering as the patient nears death.Before administering palliative sedation, it is necessary to ensure all other optionsare exhausted, and the symptoms areunmanageable.Consider incompatible options such asintermittent, continuous and respite sedation. Caution must be exercised, and administering should be done on informed consent (Hallenbeck, 2000).Shaver, W. & Rousseau, P. (2005). A challenge to the ethical validity of palliative sedation. Program and abstracts of the American academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine/Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Annual Assembly. New Orleans,

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