Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Impact Of Employee Involvement And Participation On Organization Performance

Abstract The following research paper seeks to explore the correlation between employee involvement in decision-making processes within the organization and organization’s performance. The main focus remains to evaluate the existing academic literature to demonstrate evidence that employee involvement and participation initiatives produce tangible advantages for organizations. Hence, the research considers theoretical approaches towards the impact of employee participation on organization’s performance and examines empirical studies conducted on the subject stated above. The results of the following study are mixed. While chosen empirical cases show that direct forms of employee participation contribute to improved organization’s performance, such evidences have not been observed in reference to representative form of employee involvement. Introduction Over the past decades work reforms were implemented in order to guarantee humanistic patterns of work and to improve the quality of working life. As the global business environment started to become more competitive in the 1980s, major focus shifted towards the productivity and economic performance of the organizations. The organizations sought new avenues to gain competitive advantages over rival companies. According to the studies conducted in the 1980s by Gallup Organization, employees engaged in the company’s decision-making were more productive, customer-focused, profitable and more willing to stay and develop within the organization (Dicke, 2006). Hence, human capital started to be perceived as the company’s most important asset (Belanger, 2000). Currently a range of organizations including corporations, government agencies, schools and other non-profit organizations believe that employee involvement and participation are crucial to the good economic performance ( Boxal & Purcell 2011). Employee participation contributes to the organization’s efficiency in two ways. First, it increases employee’s productivity. Second, it increases the company’s capacity to react quickly to changing business environment. Therefore, employee involvement as a part of Human Resources Management (HRM) practices became a subject of numerous academic researches over the last decades. The scholars from various fields in industrial relations developed various approaches and models in order to provide new evidences on the linkage between HRM and business performance (Gonzales, 2009). The following research project examines the impact of employee involvement and participation on organization’s performance. First, the project defines a term ‘employment involvement and participation’ and demonstrates two concepts of measuring employee involvement. Further, the project discusses theoretical developments on the linkage between employee participation and organization’s performance. Finally, the project analyses empirical evidences of such relationships. The empirical study include the cases of direct and representative forms of employee participation. Employee involvement – definition Employee involvement, called also worker’s participation can be perceived as â€Å"a variety of processes and structures which enable, and at times encourage employees to directly and indirectly contribute to and influence decision-making in the firm and in the wider society† (Gonzales, 2009, p.8). The following definition indicates that there are various activities through which the employees can influence decision-making processes within the company. Generally, employee involvement can have a direct or indirect form. Direct involvement means that employees have an immediate influence on the decision-making processes within the company. Typical forms of direct involvement are employee surveys, team briefings, autonomous working groups or suggestion schemes (rewards for meeting company’s goals). Indirect involvement (representative involvement) means that a specific group which represents all employees is involved in the decision-making processes within the comp any. Common forms of indirect involvement are board representations, work councils or task forces (Eurofund, 2009). In turn, Gonzales (2009) classified employee involvement into three groups. These are informative, consultative and delegative participation. Informative participation refers to downwards communication within the organization. Employees have been given information top-down about the organization and its competitors, their own department or their individual performance. Information sharing includes open communication processes as well as information disclosure. Consultative participation regards various schemes developed by the management team to gain opinion of its employees and can have a form of individual meetings, team briefings and employees’ surveys. Delegative participation concerns various programmes which give employees capacity to make decisions on a particular set of issues and includes the forms such as problem-solving groups and semi-autonomous gro ups. Finally, Forth and Millward (2001) demonstrated three types of practices in reference to employee participation. These forms are individual supports (i.e. extensive information disclosure or specific training); task practices (i.e. quality circles or team work) and organizational supports (i.e. job security or employee share ownership). A number of models measuring employee involvement and participation have been developed over the past decades. One of the most important seems to be a model presented by Marchington (2005). He identified four core aspects of employee participation within the company: The degree of involvement: – this indicates the extent of involvement to which employees, either directly or through their representatives, may exert some form of influence on management decisions. Scope: – the scope of management decisions that are open to influence by subordinate employees may differ depending on the subject matter and may range from trivial to strategic decisions. The level: – the level at which the subordinates may be involved in management decisions varies substantially and can range from departmental level, through to division and headquarter level. Forms of participation: – participation may be direct or indirect. Direct participation refers to the face-to-face involvement while, indirect participation occurs when workers are represented by trade unions in workers’ council or high-level consultation committees and through collective bargaining. Another interesting model has been developed by Cox (2006). This model identified two dimensions of employee involvement, breadth and depth. Breadth regards a number of various employee involvement’s practices and programmes implemented in a work place. Using diversified but complementary schemes of employee participation leads to stronger impact on the company through mutual reinforcement. It also indicates that the management team aims to maximise the profits of employee participation. In turn, depth concerns the quality of employee involvement’s practices within the company. This measure indicates how embedded the employee participation’s practices are within the company. Both breadth and depth are important as they are strongly linked with organizational commitment and job satisfaction (Hayman & Mason 1995). That is, if employees’ views are taken into consideration and acted upon by the management, then they are more likely to demonstrate their commitment to the organization and indicate their satisfaction with their work. A major weakness of this measure is that the embeddedness of employee participation within the organization has often been assessed through management eyes rather than by analysing employee views on employee participation. Employee participation and company’s performance – theoretical approach The idea of employee participation as a part of Human Resources Management practices has been researched by a number of scholars who underlined significant benefits of employee involvement schemes on the company’s performance. Kanter (1982) postulated that participatory character of the decision-making processes within the organization brings more positive outcomes than bureaucratic structure, as it involves knowledge sharing between workers and managers. Workers seem to be better informed than their managers with regard to the products and services, processes and work tasks, as they are directly involved in these activities. Hence, their views and suggestions might be very valuable in developing company’s strategy and achieving enhanced performance. In turn, Lawler (1990) listed a number of various benefits of employee involvement within the company. He pointed out that employee participation leads to more efficient and innovative methods and procedures in a workplace and improves communication within the organization (between managers and workers as well as across work departments). Greater employee involvement results in higher job satisfaction and lower staff turnovers. Further, as employee participation concerns training and team work, it also leads to greater staff flexibility and higher job motivation. Additionally, high work motivation and better work methods determine increased rate of outputs and hence, contribute to the better quality of the products and services offered by the company. Finally, better communication and improved worker-management relations reduce a number of disputes and conflicts within the organization and help to resolve existing conflicts in the most effective way. All these factors contribute to i mproved performance of the organization. It is also important to add that Lawler identified various negative consequences associated with employee involvement. One of them are expectations created amongst the employees. These expectations usually concern organizational changes, personal self-development and career advancement opportunities. If the organization fails to meet these expectations, it will lead to dissatisfaction amongst workers. Employee participation causes also additional costs. Developing new skills is associated with additional costly trainings. In turn, accepting new responsibilities by the employee automatically requires an increased in salary of such an employee. Participatory character of decision-making is also slower than traditional style of leadership as it involves a significant number of people that have to accept the decision (Lawler, 1990). Markowitz (1996) underlines higher morale of the employees and their greater commitment to performed job as a consequence of increased participation in the decision-making processes. As employees have a decision-making power, they fulfill their duties more accurately. Higher productivity of the employees contributes to higher profits of the organization and greater stability within the industry (Jones, 2006). More recently, the effects of employee involvement were analysed by Appelbaum (2000). Similarly like Lawler, the researchers emphasized the importance of information on the production (service) processes possessed by employees. The organization should aim to gain such knowledge from its employees in order to stay profitable. However, three conditions have to be met by the company to gain such knowledge. Employees need to be involved in substantive decisions. They are required to have specific skills and they need to be given appropriate work incentives. This approach indicated that employees cannot provide valuable information to the organization’s management if these conditions are not met. Additionally, employees are not willing to provide such information if they are not given appropriate incentives. Hence, this approach underlines the important of coherent and accurate HRM practices within the company (Jones,, 2006). Grimsrud and Kvinge (2010) postulate that employee participation is associated with the features such as responsibility, control rights, rights on revenue and risk taking. The companies are characterized by the areas of joint interests of employers and employees as well as by the areas where the conflicting interests appear. In particular, the author focuses on two conflict areas. These are principle-agent problem and free-rider problem. Principle-agent issue concerns different approach of the organization (owners and management team) and employees towards the inputs of work and distribution of created outputs. While the organization aims to achieve higher labour productivity and higher value added and keep fixed salaries at the same time, employees intend to share higher profits. Free rider issue refers to the situation when the organization cannot monitor individual contribution of its employees to the organization’s development and hence, individual rewards of employees dep end on joint efforts. Hence, the organization tends to implement practices that will improve the productivity of employees, while employees seek to take advantage of such situation and gain additional benefits (i.e. higher return rights) in exchange of improved productivity. Employee participation and company’s performance – empirical evidences A number of scholars sought empirical evidences of the positive correlation between employee participation and organization’s performance. Some scholars based their analysis on the examples of a single organization (i.e. Jones, 2006) or selected industry (i.e. Sesil, 1999), while others examined the various businesses across the country (i.e. Guerrero and Barraud-Didier). Some researchers decided on a wider cross-country study (i.e. Gonzales, 2009; Grimsrud and Kvinge, 2010). Due to the scope of the following project, only key findings of selected empirical researches will be presented. At the individual company level, Bartel (2004) conducted research on HRM practices amongst the branches of large bank. He proved that recognition system and performance feedback were of key significance for employees of this bank. Implementing these particular HRM practices contributed to the increasd sales of loans (Gonzales, 2009). In turn, Jones (2006) examined the influence of innovative HRM practices on performance of a Finnish company in the retail services sector. They proved that employees who have been given opportunities to participate in decision-making process within the company, to receive solid information and to gain rewards were willing to increase their productivity. It is crucial to note that these HRM practices were implemented in settings where employee were characterized by low skills and were assigned relatively simple tasks. At the industry level, Sesil (1999) analysed the impact of employee participation and group incentives on the company’s performance in high technology industry in the UK. The research included 118 companies, primarily in electronics and engineering and concerned various aspects of employee participation such as quality involvement, presence of union, multi-skilling of employees, communication between employees and management, strategic planning and establishment plan. Additionally, the researcher examined the bonuses for employee as a form of group incentives. The research revealed that bonuses, quality involvement and multi-skilling had large positive effects on company’s outcomes, while other variables showed no impact on performance. Hence, these results indicated that there is strong correlation employee participation and the company’s performance. This effect is even stronger if the employee involvement is combined with group incentives. At the country level, Guerrero and Barraud-Didier (2004) focused on high-involvement practices and their impact on French firms. The research was based on the questionnaire conducted amongst 180 large companies in France. 57% of these companies originated in the industrial sector, while remaining 43% – in the services sector. The study concerned four major HRM practices, namely empowerment, compensation, communication as well as training and skills development. The following study revealed that empowerment was a key determinant of improved company’s performance, while communication and training had a minor effect on organizational results. In turn, compensation showed no influence on company’s outputs. The following study underlined that the company should ensure enriched and challenging activities in order to manage employee participation. Further, the study postulated that the companies should promote open communication and power sharing amongst management and employees in order to develop participatory style of leadership as this style contributes to better HRM within the company and improved company’s performance. In the cross-country context, Grimsrud and Kvinge (2010) conducted research on the economic impact of representative participation in eight countries[1]. The research took form of perception studies which means that â€Å"the respondents are asked to indicate whether different participation initiatives are believed to have an impact on different output measure† (Grimsrud and Kvinge, 2010, p. 149) and investigated various forms of representative participation such as work councils, trade unions or joint management – union committees. The following study showed very mixed results. Most of the analysis demonstrated that there was no correlation between employee participation and company’s productivity or such correlation was negative, while only several studies reported small positive productivity gains of employee participation. For instance, the study conducted on work councils amongst the German companies revealed that these councils had a positive impact on labo ur productivity while they influenced negatively company’s profitability. Similarly, the analysis of the Japanese companies showed a positive correlation between trade unions and labour productivity and negative correlation between trade unions and company’s benefits. Finally, the research amongst the British companies demonstrated that trade unions had a negative impact on productivity growth as well as on climate of relations between managers and employees at the workplace. Conclusions To sum up employee participation became a subject of theoretical debate and empirical analysis amongst the scholars. A number of researchers underlined positive correlation between employee involvement and organization’s performance. Precisely, employee participation (either direct or indirect) brings a valuable knowledge of products and services delivered by the organization and hence, contribute to the organization’s performance. Additionally, employee participation leads to higher job satisfaction and increased labour productivity as well as to lower staff rotation. These factors also determine organization’s success. On the other hand, some scholars stress various conflict areas within an organization (principle-agent issue; free rider problem) that might have a negative influence on the organization’s outputs. Three empirical cases presented in the following paper revealed that direct employee involvement in decision-making processes within an organization contributed to its better performance. Employee empowerment and information sharing as well as financial rewards seemed to be mainly responsible for this improved performance. Employees must thus be sought for ideas on how organizational performance and quality of product or service can be improved. There is the need for management to ensure existence of employment participation programmes and initiatives that contribute to employee involvement in decision-making processes. Not only should the emphasis be placed on the existence of such initiatives but also on the embeddedness of such initiatives within the organization. The evidence on strong correlation between employee participation and organization’s performance has not been found in reference to indirect forms of employee involvement. Although the following paper examined only one case of representative participation, this case included analysis across various countries and industries. This study revealed that employee participation had only minor positive impact on labour productivity while no effects (or negative effects) on overall company’s performance have been observed. Reference Belanger, J. (2000). The influence of employee involvement on productivity: a review of research. Hull: Human Resources Development Canada. Boxall, P. and J. Purcell (2011). Strategy and Human Resource Management. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Cox, A., S. Zagelmeyer and M. Marchington (2006). â€Å"Embedding employee involvement and participation at work†. In: Human Resource Management Journal, 16 (3), pp.250–267. Dicke, C. (2006). Employee engagement and change management. New York: CAHRS. Eurofund, (2009). Employee involvement [online] Available from: (Accessed on 14.05.2012). Forth, J. and Millward, N. (2001). â€Å"The impact of unions on pay levels in lower-skilled jobs†. National Institute Economic Review. 176, pp. 76-90. Gonzales, M. (2009). Worker’s involvement at the workplace and job quality in Europe. Edinburgh: RECWOWE Publications. Grimsrud, B, and Kvinge, T. (2010). Productivity Puzzles – should employee participation be an issueNordic Journal of Political Economy, 36, pp. 139-167. Guerro, S. and Barraud-Didier, V. (2004). High-involvement practices and performance f French firms. International Journal of Human Resources Management. 15(8). pp.1408-1423. Hyman, J & B. Mason (1995). Managing Employee Involvement and Participation. London: Sage. Jones, D., Kalmi, P. and Kauhanen, A. (2006). How does employee involvement stack upThe effects of Human Resources Management policies on performance in retail firm. New York: Cornell University ILR School. Kanter, R. (1982). Dilemma of Managing Participation. Organizational Dynamics. (summer). pp. 5-27. Lawler, E. (1990). High Involvement Management. Participative Strategies for Improving Organizational Performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Marchington, M. (2005). ‘Employee involvement: Patterns and explanations’. In: (ed.) Harley, B., J. Hyman and P. Thompson Participation and democracy at work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Sesil, J. (1999). The impact of employee involvement and group incentives on performance in UK high technology establishments. New Jersey: School of Management and Labour Relations.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Icons and Iconoclasm in the 15th Century Byzantine Era

Icons of the Byzantine era cater to the simplistic thread of art, in that they are made largely of materials already available during the 15th century, such as wood, marble and precious metals. The term simplistic could also refer to the fact that they don't really invite much scrutiny at first glance and the non-discerning viewer is more likely to simply shrug his shoulders and leave. However, icons hold more weight than they seem. In the 15th century, icons were used as symbols of the divine family and their tribulations [Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the crucifixion, etc.].The purpose of which were to convey a story, a biblical truth, a teaching and, more spiritually, a gateway to heaven. The Virgin Eleousa (see Appendix), for instance, which was created in the early Byzantine days, depicts a serene-looking Virgin Mary with the child Jesus on her chest, as if to stress an emotion of great joy and happiness for His birth. Icons at the time were more than just visual aids. They wer e windows into the life and times of Christ and acted as middle grounders, or representatives, of the Divine here on earth.Hence, people kneel in front of icons in veneration, not because they worship the object itself, but because they feel a deep sense of gratitude and awe with what it represents. People venerate the Icon with Virgin Eleousa because it brings to form the Sacred Virgin's consummate motherhood and love for her child and for the rest of humankind. Debate has sprung that iconoclasm is some sort of idol worship. Supporters of icons reject this, again, stressing that while believers place much reverence over the earthly, man-made figures, it is the spiritual sense of the objects that is prime above all things.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Laboratory Information Management Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Laboratory Information Management Systems - Essay Example Since publication, the Bell-LaPadula model has helped in the advancement of science and technology by providing a mathematical basis for the examination of laboratory security. Moreover, this model is a major component of having a disciplined approach to building secure and effective laboratory systems. The Bell-LaPadula model can also be used to abstractly describe the computer security system in the laboratory, without regard to the system's application. The goal of modern security research is to facilitate the construction of multilevel secure systems, which can protect information of differing classification from users that have varying levels of clearance. There are some deficiencies inherent in the Bell and LaPadula model, and there have been efforts to develop a new approach to defining laboratory security models, on the basis that security models should be derived from specific applications. The use of the Bell and LaPadula Model, has been successful in modelling information that is relevant to security, even though this success might be responsible for the vagueness of the model about its primitives. This vagueness can also be examined with respect to the theory that the Bell and LaPadula Model and Noninterference are equivalent. ... laboratory reduces the need for human intervention and creates a more efficient environment in which human beings and technology can interact to produce a great deal more information and accurate data that was not possible prior to automation. Its approach is to define a set of system constraints whose enforcement will prevent any application program executed on the system from compromising system security. The model includes subjects, which represent active entities in a system (such as active processes), and objects, which represent passive entities (such as files and inactive processes). Both subjects and objects have security levels, and the constraints on the system take the form of axioms that control the kinds of access subjects may have to objects. ( While the complete formal statement of the Bell-LaPadula model is quite complex, the model can be briefly summarized by these two axioms stated below: (a) The simple security rule, which states that a subject cannot read information for which it is not cleared (i.e. no read up) (b) The property that states that a subject cannot move information from an object with a higher security classification to an object with a lower classification (i.e. no write down). ( These axioms are meant to be implemented by restriction of access rights that users or processes can have to certain objects like devices and files. The concept of trusted subjects is a less frequently described part of the Bell-LaPadula model.Systems that enforce the axioms of the original Bell-LaPadula model very strictly are often impractical, because in a real system, a user

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CIS Management Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CIS Management Information System - Essay Example rights, including intellectual property is often classified as criminal offence in statutory terms and is liable for persecution as it would negatively impact on the rightful owner of the property. Copyright laws are specifically designed to protect ownership of content and any form of reproduction of that content without prior permission from the owner is deemed illegal. In the outlined case above, this is the main problem which is of concern where piracy is reigning supreme as a result of the system used that makes it possible for musical files to be shared amongst individuals without the owners’ consent. The main cause of the problem is online file-sharing service that is available on the internet where individuals can download digitized music files from other users free of charge. For instance in the above case, Napster popularized this service where it provided software on its website that could be used to locate any music file on the computers of other online Napster members that could be copied for free. Whilst Napster itself did not store any musical file, it acted as a go between the user and the supplier which resulted in huge numbers of people signing in for the service as it gave the provision of downloading music and even copying it to their CDs free of charge. Likewise, other services such as Kazaa, WinMix, Morpheus and Grokster were developed after the demise of Napster. These services distributed software to various users that enabled them to locate computers with musical files of their choice and downloading without paying. So basically in this regard, the different software that was developed and distributed online allowed users to enjoy the benefit of downloading and copying music for free without the permission of the owners and producers. However, the main impact of piracy in this case has been the tremendous decline in music sales by the recording companies as a result of the rush for free music that could also be accessed online with

Paganism and New Ageism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Paganism and New Ageism - Essay Example As the discussion highlights Paganism encourages worship of godheads that are similar to the medieval Pagan godheads that thrived in an age of anarchy, and the New Age movement presents a complex mix of occult, science, belief in extraterritorial beings that exist in a different plane and â€Å"Enlightened Masters† to resemble Gnosticism. This essay argues that it is best to avoid the Pagan and New Age religiosities because they present a potential for even greater anarchy than is apparent in a world that predominantly subscribes to the monotheistic doctrines.This paper declares that  over the past decades, North America and the Western World have witnessed a substantial increase in the number and diversity of New Religious Movements and new forms of religious life. This is probably because of the fact that with the emergence of a new world, religion must now adapt to new realities. Now, religion is a private matter; more of a matter of choice than it used to be, and religio n must now cope with advanced capitalism. Information is now far more readily available for the masses with the freedom to question and to think.  God who deliberately divided His people into followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam tolerate the slaughter and the butchery that are the result of His messages to humanity?  Are any of the three of those that presented messages about monotheism imposters and Satanists?... Information is now far more readily available for the masses with the freedom to question and to think. According to Partridge (2006), notions of wellbeing are now important for spiritual health and individuals search for that which satisfies them most in their interaction with the world around them. The reality associated with suffering in a world in which God, an omnipotent being, the all-powerful and the all-knowing Creator, should and could have prevented despair creates a certain lack of satisfaction with the established religious doctrine, especially the monotheistic religious doctrine (Davy, 1997, pp. 1 – 20). After all, how could a merciful monotheistic God who deliberately divided His people into followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam tolerate the slaughter and the butchery that are the result of His messages to humanity? Are any of the three of those that presented messages about monotheism imposters and Satanists? How can one believe in the truth of events tha t unfolded many thousands of years ago? Why is it impossible for this God, who has the power to create, to maintain all of His creations in dignity and satisfaction in a world that He created and if there is an omnipotent God, why does he delight in the slaughter and destruction of His creation? Many questions and doubts haunt many followers of the three monotheist religious doctrines and the history of monotheism spread over many thousands of years presents many flaws, contradictions, abhorrent notions and notions that defy logic. A study of Armstrong (2011), Stark (2003), Bianchi (1975) and Paterson (2004) lends some support to the previously mentioned doubts. Davy (1997) suggests that a failure to remain satisfied by the notion

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Healthcare Law & Ethics class - online discussion Personal Statement

Healthcare Law & Ethics class - online discussion - Personal Statement Example Some businesses benefit from having owners that are active participants in the business that is their livelihood. The only potential opening for unethical behavior would be if this radiologist is interested in abusing her position or finding negative and underhanded means that could undermine the clinics integrity; or was in anyway, compromising patient care, which is not yet an issue. In fact, as stated prior, it is a possibility that the partnership could be beneficial to the clinic not a hindrance. However, again, the ethics of the situation has less to do with the proposed scenario and more to do with the individual that is in the scenario. Some have suggested that the sale of organs in the U.S. would increase the supply of viable organs for transplant. Others have said that only voluntary donation is ethical under the U.S. system of medicine. Should someone in India, for example, be permitted to sell a kidney for $40,000 when there is a willing buyer from the U.S. who is in need of a kidney? What are the issues here? It is proposed that the potential sale of human organs would increase the number of organs available to those who may need them. However, it is also just as likely that the allowance of such sales would lead down a much darker path. By allowing the individual sale of organs creates a market; supply and demand. Simply put, it is very likely that instead of having more potential organs for those who needed them, there would be less. People are going to be less civically moved to donate organs, when there is a possibility of an economical motivation. Why donate when you can make a profit? Secondly, a strong issue is that once a high dollar value is placed on human parts, then it is no longer about who needs the organ the most, due to condition and severity, but to whom can pay the most to receive it. This is where the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Working in teams and creating successful team dynamics Essay

Working in teams and creating successful team dynamics - Essay Example The aim of the paper is to examine the role of team dynamics in organizational effectiveness and analyze the factors which help the companies to create food working environment for their teams. Today, managers recognize the importance of teams dynamic in influencing behaviour at work. The concept of the organisation as a socio-technical system is concerned with the interactions between the psychological and social factors, as well as structural and technical requirements. Again, it may be remembered that technological change in the coal-mining industry had brought about changes in the social teamings of the miners (Campbell, 1997). Another important aspect if successful team dynamics is that team members in an organization will have one or more goals in common, such as to produce or market a product. Communication is essential within each team and members of a team have roles to play in order to achieve the team task. Expected behaviour patterns are developed within each team and these are referred to as norms. Any deviation from norms will bring team pressure to force a return to the 'norm'. Too low or too high an output as compared with the 'norm' may mean admonishment by team members. For instance, Apple Computer Corporation is a goof example of successful team dynamics: "Apple's management style was relatively in1ormal for a Fortune 100 company. As one employee in Finance said, "Things are done by committees, meetings, consensus. We have very few policies, systems, or controls. What we do is get a team of experts together and make a decision." (Gibbs, Beer, 1991) Distinctions have been made between formal and informal teamings. A teams team consists of carefully selected members who have skills and attributes that can assist the reaching of a desired goal. It will have a leader, subordinates, a location and a task to accomplish - for example, a planning committee. New methods of working disrupted the integration of small self-selecting teams of assembly line worker in Ford Motor Company who worked together as independent teams. The change had undesirable social effects and as a result the new method did not prove as economically beneficial as it should have done with the new technology. The result was a 'composite' method of working with more responsibility taken by the team as a whole. The composite method proved to be not only more rewarding socially to the workers but also more efficient economically than the previous new method of working (Sterman, 2000). To be able to create a good working environment, managers must be aware of certain aspects of team dynamics. Norms can be very influential in encouraging high or low productivity of members of the team. One method of increasing the dynamic in a team is to give members more say in the selection of persons they will be working with. Interview questions for employees: 1. Do like teamwork or prefer to work independently 2. Can you quickly see advantages and new opportunities 3. Is it easy for you to work in a diverse team 4. Is it important for you to be a leader of a team 5. Do you often influencing people without pressuring them 6. Can you work under pressure 7. What is your role in a team (now, previously) 8. What is you characteristic approach to teamwork 9. What is the best method of conflict resolution for you Explain. 10. When do you gain work satisfaction Explain. 11.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Inter-Religious And Inter-Racial Marriages Essay

Inter-Religious And Inter-Racial Marriages - Essay Example Respect for each other is paramount, especially so in the case of inter - religion marriage. (Meera Chowdhry, 2000, Family Matters, Inter - Religion Marriage, Marriage is a partnership between two members of the opposite sex. The usual roles and responsibilities of the husband and wife include living together, having sexual relations only with one another, sharing economic resources and being recognized as the parents of their children. The Bella Online's marriage editor Ms Kristen Houghton's, opinion about marriage is that the institution of marriage encompasses in its ambit numerous factors. The main factor affecting marriage is Religion. A person's religious or spiritual beliefs should be either the same or at least congenial to that of one's spouse. This is so because a person's religious beliefs are an integral part of a person and if there is a difference of religious opinions, then the marriage may be affected adversely. (, n. d. ) Meera Chowdhry, 2000, Family Matters, Inter - Religion Marriage, states that, "Religion is a way of life. We by the virtue of being born in a certain religious backdrop learn to follow a way of praying or accepting God as Christ or Krishna and so forth. Thus following the teachings, I do not see the teachings of Krishna any different from that of Christ. How does it matter then which religion is older It is more important to have a harmonious relationship with one's spouse." The author is saying that religion is usually determined by the family into which one is born. Further, there is not much disparity between different religions. The main import is to follow the teachings of the religion, which one follows. From the perspective of marriage, it is much more important for the husband and wife to have mutual understanding and respect for each other than to concentrate on the differences in the personal religion that they follow. From the foregoing, we can conclude that happiness in marriage is more dependent on mutual understanding and mutual respect than it is on religion. It is the belief of many people that introducing two contradictory beliefs into a marriage is inviting marital strife, which could increase the rate of divorce. Further, many people also believe that having parents of two different religions causing psychological stress on the offspring as they are often effectively forced to choose one parent over the other. ( ge, n.d). A person professing a different faith is considered inferior and ineligible from the point of view of matrimony (, n.d.).Having the same, religious and spiritual beliefs are part of the essential criteria, for many people seeking a partner in marriage. Many people feel strongly that the person they are going to marry should be of the same religion, have the same traditions and customs and the same intensity of belief in God as they themselves do. For most people this is an integral part of their idea of marriage. However, there are still others who marry someone who belongs to a different religion. Such people have to overcome opposition from their families on entering a matrimonial alliance of this type. Despite all this, if true love prevails in the relation between husband and wife, then such trifles as which spouse's religion is superior or inferior will be relegated to the background. This statement is based on common experienc e. The offspring born to such couples will learn to respect religion irrespective of the particular

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Substance abuse - Essay Example There are various other substances which can be abused like: cocaine, marijuana, opiates, steroid, inhalants, and tobacco (refer Fig A). Under the manual guidelines published by WHO and the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the term ‘drug abuse’ is not official anymore; instead they have opted for the term ‘substance abuse’ that in its nature and scope includes the term drug abuse. According to APA (1932), the term drug abuse can be applicable â€Å"to the illegal, nonmedical use of a limited number of substances, most of them drugs, which have properties of altering the mental state in ways that are considered by social norms and defined by statute to be inappropriate, undesirable, harmful, threatening, or, at minimum, culture-alien" (Glasscote, et al., 1932). However, we find that in 1973, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, recommended the removal of the term ‘drug abuse’ from official documents; stating that the term refers to only social disapproval, and actually has no relevant scientific meaning. The Commission states â€Å"drug abuse may refer to any type of drug or chemical without regard to its pharmacologic actions...The Commission believes that the term drug abuse must be deleted from official pronouncements and public policy dialogue. The term has no functional utility and has become no more than an arbitrary codeword for that drug use which is presently considered wrong†. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders  (DSM-IV-TR), substance dependence can be termed as â€Å"When an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance,  substance dependence  may be diagnosed. Compulsive and repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and withdrawal symptoms when use is reduced or stopped† (APA, 2000). Chemical dependence is the same thing as substance dependence,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Compare Movie Doubt with the Novel Doubt Research Paper

Compare Movie Doubt with the Novel Doubt - Research Paper Example In ‘Doubt: A Parable’ these components are very articulate and emphatic. In the movie Doubt, the actress Meryl Streep overdoes the tyrant nun’s act. The movie’s plot follows the play plot in every important issue, but has included a few extra scenes that do not come in the play. The scene involving the cat and the mouse was not part of the play but was incorporated into the movie. The quote â€Å"who keeps opening my windows† was not part of the play, but it was added in the movie to give it length as the play is shorter than the movie. In the movie the feminist angle was more emphasized whereas in the play the racial tension is more pronounced. When a movie is adapted to a play script, some of the essence of the original work gets lost. In the case of ‘Doubt,’ the playwright has been able to retain the core essence of the struggle portrayed in the play and has managed to turn his simple stage production into a post-Vatican II period pie ce. This is very evident in a particular scene where Meryl Streep had to perform while rendering her dialogue. One of the most cathartic one liners of modern American theatre is â€Å"I have so many doubts! I have such, such doubts!† These lines were spoken when the script reached its most poignant moment.

Global Warming and its Effects on Society Essay Example for Free

Global Warming and its Effects on Society Essay Global warming or climate change is defined as any substantial change in the earth’s climate that can go on for an extended period of time. Global warming can cause an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere. It can have different causes, but the one reason pinpointed as its cause is human interference, particularly the release of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases (EPA, 2006 cited in YeSeul Kim et al). There are several greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor, and fluorinated gases which act like a greenhouse on earth. Since the situation is that there are more greenhouse gases, then there would be a bigger chance of the heat trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. The earth cannot function in its present state if there are no occurring greenhouse gases, such as CO2, CH4, and water vapor. This means that without greenhouse gases, there will be no heat trapped in atmosphere, thus, the earth will become very cold. (NASA, 2002 as cited in YeSeul Kim et al). Scientists say that they have confirmed that climate change is caused by human activity (Scientists say global warming is undeniable). They have even presented their findings to the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington. Evidence is that when one looks at the oceans and the melting of the Arctic ice, it leaves no room for one to doubt that global warming is indeed happening today. It was even revealed by Tim Barnett of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography that new computer models that are able to look into ocean temperatures demonstrate the clearest sign that global warming is already happening (Scientists say global warming is undeniable). Scientists like Dr. Barnett say in no uncertain terms that the real place to look is in the ocean. His team has conducted numerous temperature readings made by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in order to calculate steady ocean warming. This report was published after the United Nations Kyoto Protocol composed of 141-nation environmental pact. The US team made use of solar warming and volcanic warming, in order to account for the measurements made. Even observing animals lead these scientists to conclude that there are clear effects on animals. Other researchers found clear effects on climate and animals. Ruth Curry of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution revealed that melting ice is now already changing the water cycle, which in turn affects ocean currents and then finally, the climate. There are also droughts happening in the west and in Greenland’s ice cap which is composed of ice enough to raise sea levels by seven meters (Scientists say global warming is undeniable). A recent documentary on UK Channel 4 entitled â€Å"The Great Global Warming Swindle† challenged the political view that global warming is caused by man-made factors. However, the movie says that the sun that is responsible for the current changes in the Earth’s temperature. The film shows the many opinions of scientists and climate experts that spur a growing dissent to the man-made theory. But these are all theories. Scientists have reminded us that the Sun determines our seasons, and has a bigger impact on the climate. German and Swiss scientists reveal that there is an increase in radiation from the sun that results in the present climate change. (Marshall). There are also researches saying that global warming is a lie which is propagated by the media. They reckon that the temperature estimates of past climates are just estimates. These have been estimated by scientists who try to prove that global warming exists. Some still maintain that global warming is just another conspiracy to bring Americans down (Global Warming: The Great Lie). In the end, the more important thing to remember is how to champion the environment when it is changing due to the global warming especially when there are confusing information about the real status of global warming and how people can cope up with it. (All Global Warming is Local-The Politics and Science of Regional Climate Impacts). Most of the critical issues that global warming involve is how to prepare for these climate changes. The U. N. ’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policymakers which is mainly a political document. Media is using this to gear up more sentiments among the people. (Bender, 2007). This is supposedly being edited to conform to the political agenda of the UN politicians. The document states that â€Å"Changes made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers or the Overview Chapter. † And whether one likes it or not, the â€Å"continued rapid cooling of the earth since WWII is in accord with the increase in global air pollution associated with industrialization, mechanization, urbanization and exploding population†. (Reid Bryson, Global Ecology; Readings towards a rational strategy for Man, 1971 as cited in Bender). WORKS CITED All Global Warming is Local-The Politics and Science of Regional Climate Impacts. Nov. 12, 2007. Retrieved January 2, 2008 at: http://www. desmogblog. com/all-global-warming-is-local-the-politics-and- science-of-regional-climate-impacts Bender, John. Man-Made Global Warming Is Politics Not Science. Etherzone. Fen. 12, 2007. Retrieved January 2, 2008 at: http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/february2007/130207Warming. htm Global Warming: The Great Lie. Retrieved January 2, 2008 at: http://www. geocities. com/northstarzone/GLOBAL. html Marshall, Andrew. Global Warming: A Convenient Lie. Global Research. March 15, 2007. Retrieved January 2, 2008 at: http://www. globalresearch. ca/index. php? context=viewArticlecode=20070315 articleId=5086 Scientists say global warming is undeniable. ABC News Online. Retrieved January 2, 2008 at: http://www. abc. net. au/news/newsitems/200502/s1306233. htm YeSeul Kim, Erika Granger, Katie Puckett, Cankutan Hasar, and Leif Francel Global Warming: Definition. Retrieved January 2, 2008 at:

Monday, July 22, 2019

Existentialism in Mersault Essay Example for Free

Existentialism in Mersault Essay Albert Camus was a French writer who is also a existentialism philosopher. He contributes to the development of the philosophy of existentialism, although he refused to be associated with any ideology. His philosophical thoughts contained in his writings. Camus delivers it by creating fictional characters and dramatic events, not only in the form of thought and analysis. The idea of absurdity, or things contrary to the common view, and his paradoxically thoughts contained in his works which one them is seen in his work this novel entitle The Outsider. Meursault as the main character in the novel is described as a man who make the sense of his life in his own view. He felt that the life he lived is normal although people around him think that he is different. This is seen when she was confronted by the news of his mothers death. He was just responding to it as a natural that every human being in the world must be both experiencing life and death later on, today, tomorrow, or whenever it was. In the funeral, he shows the attitude indifferent as not wanting to see his mothers corpse, cry to her, or shows a deep grief to the attendants. Because he said, he had no reason to be sad or mourn his mother, because once again he considers this is a natural. This is seen in the quote below. Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don’t know. I had a telegram from the home: ‘Mother passed away. Funeral tomorrow. Yours sincerely. ’ That doesn’t mean anything. It may have been yesterday. Camus (1982: 3) Not only on her mothers funeral, he is indifferent, but also to live a life he is very flat and unemotional. However, behind it there is the nature of honesty in him. This is evident because in every action and word he just saying what is on his mind without exaggerating or saying unnecessary. As well as Marie, her girlfriend asks him to marry her, she just say yes, but when he asked again he replied that it was not important, and if Marie wants him to marry her he would marry her. She then wanted to know if I loved her. I replied as I had done once already, that it didn’t mean anything but that I probably didn’t. ‘ Why marry me then? ’ she said. I explained to her that it really didn’t matter and that if she wanted to, we could get married. Anyway, she was the one who was asking me and I was simply saying yes. Camus (1982: 39) For Meursault he lives in this world with his own will without having to think or follow the rules set in the environment. He lived his life like what he wants without having to regret. As he revealed about a his crime that killing an Arab. While in prison he refused to hire a lawyer to help him resolve the case, but he finally agreed to use a lawyer who has been appointed by the prison authorities. He does this because he thinks he does not need defense from other people on what he has done. The lawyer had been made upset by Mersault because Meursault does not want to assert a defense or try to provide evidence to alleviate his crime. As an explanation of the existentialism humanism earlier, that no regulator or legislator but himself. Accordingly himself that he must decide for himself anyway by looking outside itself a goal of self-liberation to this man can Realize himself as truly human. In the novel Meursault refuses anyone governing what he should do and assumptions that he are wrong. He said no one or anything else that can be a regulator or legislator could influence it. He just lived his life according to his own views in giving meaning in his life and he never regretted anything he has done even though he himself did not think that what he did was the right thing. This can be seen in the following quotation. Of course, I couldn’t help admitting that he was right. I didn’t much regret what I’d done. Bus I was surprised that he was so furious about it. I’d have like to have explained to him in a friendly way, almost affectionately, that I’d never really been able to regret anything. Camus (1982: 93) He determined by the death sentence by a judge because of his indifferent of her mother’s death. The judge explain that a few days later he instead has a date with Marie and watch a funny movie with her, befriends and involves in his neighbor named Raymond revenge to Raymonds mistress, and goes on a beach vacation with both, Meursault passes tragic life as if nothing has happened. While his waiting to the day of his death sentence we can see what the true essence of life in Meursault’s view, in the rage of his thought in prison. It does not mean that he is not afraid of death, but he deals it with his own. Several times he refused to meet with the chaplain, because he thought it just wastes his time that just few remains to talk about things that are not meant for him. Meursault is told in this novel as one who does not believe in God or atheism. According to him, how he lived or what the purpose of life is determined by himself without the involvement from other people. It seen in quote below. From the depths of my future, throughout the whole of this absurd life I’d been leading, I’d felt a vague breath drifting towards me across all years that were still to come, and on its way this breath had evened out everything that was then being proposed to me in the equally unreal years I was living through. Camus (1982: 111) As if this great outburst of anger had purged all my ills, killed all my hopes, I looked up the mass of signs and stars in the sky and laid myself open for the first time to benign indifference of the world. And finding it so much like myself, in fact so fraternal, I realized that I’d been happy, and that I was still happy. For the final consummation and for me to feel less alone, my last wish was that there should be a crowd of spectators at my execution and that they should greet me with cries of hatred. Camus (1982: 113) The second quote is the last paragraph in this novel that tells the last time before his execution. In those sentences, that Meursault reveals is evident that he feels happy when he faces death. He thinks that the world is not concerned with human problems and it has similarly with him who was indifferent to the human problems that are not related to him. Thus, he thought that after his death, he will unite with the world and he will not feel lonely. Meursault also said that his life would be more meaningful if his death was witnessed by people who raining him with cried of hatred than if he dies in solitude. He thinks this will be memorized by the people who have witnessed the death. CONCLUSION From the explanation of analysis above it can be conclude that Mersault as the main character of the novel The Outsider is existentialist. It depicted by the author, Albert Camus through Mersault’s says, acts, and thoughts, which describe that Mersault lives his live with his own way and his own view. He argues that in the world there is no one or single thing that can be regulator or legislator, which can influence his life. It is only himself who knows what he should do an how he lives his life in this world. Lives the life in the world is the basic of basic structure of human existence. The conjunction in the words shows that existence of human cannot escape from his world. Impossible that man released from his world and, otherwise, the world may not be released from human who constructed it. There is also no two experiences are identical. Therefore, existence is a privately owned, that existence is not replaceable by anyone. It clearly described in Mersault’s character who is indifferent to the other things that in his opinion those things are does not mean anything to him.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Issues Of Premarital Sex And Promiscuity

Issues Of Premarital Sex And Promiscuity This essay will discuss the issues of premarital sex and promiscuity of both Ellistons and Punzos theories. Premarital sex (Punzos definition) means two persons engaging in sexual intercourse without full commitment while promiscuity (Ellistons explanation) is characterized as to have sex with various people without commitment. In the comparison of both philosophers, Punzo is considered the conservative theorist while Elliston is supporting casual sex with a variety of people. In Punzos theory, sexual intercourse, such intimate act, must involve a deep commitment between the two persons. However, Elliston would argue that sexual intercourse does not require any deep thinking or consideration of commitment as if it is not a big deal. How would Punzo react to Ellistons theory of promiscuity-to have sex with a series of people with no intention to any commitment other than the act of sexual intercourse? How does Elliston support his argument that promiscuity should be allowed and under what conditions is promiscuity morally permissible? Other issues such as sex with someone one hopes to love, sex with a friend, or recreational sex with an acquaintance is wrong or not will also be included. All these issues will be discussed in details with both philosophers arguments and theories. Elliston: Elliston defines promiscuity with the elaboration and combinations of the definitions of Oxford English Dictionary and Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary. Promiscuity, according to Elliston, the word has no descriptive content, but only emotive and/or hortatory forceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It is to condemn a practice or person as promiscuous is simply to express feelings of disapproval, or issue a prohibitive Stop! This position attempts to resolve the issue of meaning by limiting promiscuity to its emotional or prescriptive force. The Oxford English Dictionary defines promiscuous as: without distinction, discrimination or order. Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary adds: engaging in sexual intercourse indiscriminately or with many persons.Promiscuity, according to Elliston, is too broad and begs the question at hand. For the promiscuous person clearly does draw some distinctions: typically he or she does not derive sexual satisfaction from a lovers shoe or copulate with a dead body or a sibling. These would be more precisely called fetishism, necro philia, or incest. Promiscuity is sometimes identified with free love. This persuasive definition may induce some to accept this sexual pattern because freedom, like motherhood, is a good everyone is supposed to espouse. Promiscuity may be identified with recreational sex-intercourse just for the fun of it(Elliston 142- 143.Despite the above definition, Elliston created his own definition of promiscuity that better suits his arguments. Promiscuity is defined as sex with a series of other adults not directly related through marriage and with no commitments; no promises of affection, sexual exclusivity in future (Elliston 144). In Ellistons definition of promiscuity, it must include the following 5 components: I. Promiscuity demands copulation-its telos is sexual intercourse. II. Repetition is essential-the pursuit of a new partner must recur. III. Both partners must be adults IV. The couple cannot be directly related throughmarriage. V. Promiscuity is noncommittal sex.Elliston explains his objections to sex without commitment would lead to deception and exploitation by clarifying the personality of promiscuous people that would cause such results. According to the popular prototype, promiscuous people are unfaithful and unreliable: they break promises, say things that are not true, and use others for their own sexual gratification. If this prototype were true, promiscuity would indeed be wrong, because it would violate familiar moral rules: people are supposed to keep their promises, tell the truth, and not deceive or exploit others (Elliston 146). People who only want to get others in-bed just to have sexual intercourse with the other by lying, deceiving, and exploiting, and similar acts, are wrong. It is wrong because it violates the well-established ethical principles, not promiscuity. The moral fault lies not in noncommittal sex but in the lies, deceptions, and exploitation to which some happens to have recourse in order to have intercourse. This defense is complicated by the fact that a double standard is operative within large segments of society: men are allowed to sow their wild oats, whereas women are denigrated as loose or fallen for the same behaviour. Promiscuity is to the advantage of males and to the disadvantage of femalesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it becomes exploitive in a more subtle fashion: men receive sexual gratification; women receive social condemnationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it is not promiscuity that is wrong, but the double standard that places promiscuous women at a disadvantage in comparison to promiscuous menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦since promiscuity cannot be shown to be wrong in all cases, the charge that it necessarily violates generally accepted moral principles is false(Elliston 146). The above statements from Elliston are saying that the double standard should be removed, not the promiscuity, because it is the double standard that puts female in a disadvantage situation to promiscuous women. Elliston explains his objections to sex without commitment would threatens personal emotional security and growth by using Bertoccis theory to support his argument. According to Bertocci, premarital sex is wrong by implication against promiscuity which threatens personal emotional security. He argues that the sexual demand outside of marriage demonstrates a lack of self-discipline in people who cannot control their desires, and fails to show respect and consideration for those on who the demand is placed. Such undisciplined and inconsiderate behavior places needless strain on the relationship, threatening to destroy whatever values it embodies (Elliston 147). Elliston explains that Bertoccis perception of incoherent or irrational behaviour is actually a self-conscious refusal to be directed by the western norm and that promiscuous people should not be faulted for failing to regulate their actions according to a principle they reject (Elliston 147). Elliston also agrees that promiscuity entail inconsiderateness only if respect is defined in terms of the western norm is promiscuity necessarily disrespectful Acknowledging the others freedom to engage or not engage in noncommittal sex demonstrates some degree of respect (Elliston 147). Promiscuity threatens the values of the relation (of the committed couples) which depends on what really is considered valuable; it could be pleasure, freedom, and respect which it should not and need not be jeopardized. Bertocci believes that emotional tensions and guilt feelings that arise from violating the taboos against non-marital sex corrode the relation. The act of promiscuity is also considered risk an d challenge to the marriage or the committed relationship. Sex is body language through the form of bodily interaction of two persons that leads to pleasure, but also has more in-depth meanings behind that; according to Elliston, sex is more than thrusts and moans, caresses and sighsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦just as verbal language has a dimension of meaning beyond phonemes and morphemes, so body language has a significance beyond the intertwining of two bodiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Promiscuity has instrumental value in that it can facilitate the mastery of one kind of body languageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦sexual body language is learned through sexual interactionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦experiences enable an individual to develop a repertoire of gestures for communicating desire and affection and of decisive movements that clearly state intentions of love or amusement. People can be moved not only by the things we say but also by the things we do-with them, for them, or to themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦desire and satisfaction can be communicated not only through verbal exchanges, but also through a lingering look and an appreciative caress. To a shattered ego a physical embrace may express far more reassurance than its verbal counterparts, and a kiss may convey desire more eloquently than pleas or poemsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The observance of this etiquette is an acknowledgement of the selfhood of the other. The acquisition of it is one of the opportunities promiscuity provides(Elliston 149). Based on Ellistons statements above, promiscuity in the sex as a body language will improve ones language skills through the practices of promiscuity with a variety of sexual acts with a wider range of people outside of marriage or committed-relationships. The point of his analogy between sex and dining are both appetites whose satisfaction is socially regulated (Elliston 150). As married couples would be seen in the views of the society as one man is only allowed to dine with one woman; which is referring that dining with only one person means that in a marriage, both of the couples are (traditionally) only allowed to have sexual intercourse within themselves and no third party is acceptable. Since having sex and dining both satisfies ones appetites and while eating can be accompanied by zero to many people, then masturbation (alone) and sex with more than one person should be allowed with different sex positions or styles. Dining with a variety of menu choices or having sex with more than one person will increase the variety of choice which will also maximize the spice of life; therefore, one will not be bored of the having the same meal or sexual experience through repetition. The results of the above changes of menu or sex partners would guarantee to enhance sex lives physically and mentally (meaningful). This practice of promiscuity has expanded the form of sexual behavior from mere bodily interaction for pleasure to a form of corporeal dialogue (Elliston 150). Elliston made his existential defense of promiscuity by analyzing Heideggers theory to elaborate and explain his argument of authentic sexuality as an existential defense of promiscuity. (150). Authentic sexuality, in Ellistons definition, requires a similar openness to others. Commitments are changes that bind us to some and excludes us from others, blinders that narrow down the field of social praxis to a privileged one (monogamy) or few (friendship (Elliston 150). So to extract a variety of aspect of the human personality involves a wide range of networking and social interaction (in this sense, social means sexual interaction). To maximize healthy sexual development, one needs be open to various erotic aspects of social existence. Furthermore, promiscuity provides this openness through freedom from emotional and sexual commitment (Elliston 151). According to Elliston, having sex with a person first is compulsory before deciding whether to love that person or not; basically, having sex first would be the pre-stage of whether that persons sexual skills or chemistry through sexual intercourse would allow one to decide whether to love this person is feasible or not. Therefore, Elliston agrees that promiscuity would work or should be allowed because one can have sex with many others in order to build a profile of sexual skills and experiences which would increase the harmony of ones sexual gratification in his/her marriage. For example, sex with many others thats not the spouse would increase ones skills and expertise in sexual experience, then one can use such increased knowledge and skills to satisfy his/her beloved spouse to a higher extent; therefore, it would lead to happier sexual experience in the marriage which would also satisfy both spouses sexual desire and increase love affections for one another. Having sex with many others, one will know the ideal person he/she would find compatible to commit with and have sex with love would lead them to a higher degree of satisfaction of not only physically, but also mentally; sex with someone who one loves and with that persons appreciation, understanding and acknowledging ones complete self, one would become more complete and satisfied as a full person. Elliston would think that having sex with someone one hopes to love is ideal because sex with that person with pre-mindset of hoping to love him/her would increase the mental satisfaction; so having sex with that person would actually give one a clearer view of whether to really love that person or not. This is because one has already experienced the most intimate contact, sexual intercourse, with that person and one would recognize the feasibility of loving that person or not in the long run. Recreation sex with an acquaintance, in Ellistons view, would be ideal but so long as both parties have the mutual understanding of whether commitment is included or not. Therefore, recreational sex or any sexual encounter should be allowed as long as the act does not violate the ethical principles; no one is or should be deceived, misinterpreted, or have sex under the commitment of lies. Punzo: Sex before marriage or sex without commitment is wrong in Punzos opinion. Punzo answered the first question of is pre-marital sex without commitment wrong? by using Wilsons theory of sexual intercourse to compare with playing tennis and Chessers theory of two persons engaged in premarital sex has no difference comparing to going to see movies together. Basically both Wilson and Chesser find it normal and nothing morally wrong about premarital sex. Meanwhile, Punzo disagrees with both of them that it is the acquisitive character of our society that has blinded us to the distinction between the two activities (Punzo 118). Going to the movies or playing tennis with many others are general activities that everyone can encounter; it does not necessary have to be the same people that one would engage in sexual activity with. However, sexual intercourse, in Punzos view, must be only between two committed persons; therefore, sex without commitment is wrong. In Punzos argument of existential integrity is explained by his statements below: It is the unchaste person who is separating himself from his sexuality, who is willing to exchange human bodies as one would exchange money for tickets to a baseball game-honestly and with no commitment of self to self. The sexuality of man is seen as an integral part of his subjectivity. Hence, the chaste man rejects depersonalized sexual relations as a reduction of man in his most intimate physical being to the status of an object or pure instrument for another. He will not freely make of himself in his bodily existence a thing to be handed over to anothers possession, nor will he ask hat another treat his own body in this way. The total physical intimacy of sexual intercourse will be an expression of total union with the other self on all levels of their beings. Seen from this perspective, chastity is one aspect of mans attempt to attain existential integrity, to accept his body s a dimension of his total personality(Punzo 119). Punzo agrees that sex involves reveling oneself psychologically to the other in a way that is potentially self-, or life-, altering because commitment is a must before sex. Through sex, two persons give themselves to each other in the aspects of trust, expressing one anothers mind, feelings and affections through the most intimate activity-sexual intercourse. Although, Elliston agrees that sex involves reveling oneself psychologically to the other in a way that is potentially self-, or life- altering (in the future sense), but his theory is within a lesser serious extent; in the early stage, one only gives itself physically to many possible partners, then he/she will find a person that is compatible to commit with and then gives that person all his/her psychological self. Punzos view of Ellistons analogy between sex and dining is a faulty analogy because dining and sex are different in an extreme that it has nothing to connect both as if they are the same in terms of moral and social aspects. Dining can be with any or many others that does not involve sexual intimacy while sex is the most special activity that must be encountered with ones most special person (spouse). Dining (eating) and sex gives people satisfactions, but these satisfactions are totally different; food gives people satisfaction of hunger, while sex gives people a deeper sexual connection of two peoples bonding; this satisfaction occurs to enhance the intimate (romantic) personal relation. Ellistons theory is to have sex with one or many others before love exists, while Punzos theory is to have love or commitment before sexual intercourse. The moral perspectives of both philosophers are totally opposite in this perspective; therefore, Punzo would not agree with Ellistons analogy of s ex and dining because it violates his own philosophy. Evaluation and original position: A defect of Ellistons arguments or views is that the benefits of having sex with a series of persons is actually not only increasing the skills of ones sexual ability, but also diminishing the value of the specialness of the most intimate activity of sexual intercourse. As we all know that having sex with someone (only one person) that we love is the most fantastic feeling of being complete as full persons with the one we love (spouse or beloved one). Engaging in sexual activities with a variety of people and then claiming to be in love with their spouse is not a rational theory; it is also confusing and unreasonable that promiscuity does not damage the committed relationship. It is hard to understand or imagine how one could love a person so much that he/she would still have sex other people? Maybe the excuses would be to increase or maximize the sexual skills or abilities to satisfy ones beloved through outsourcing, but the actual reason is to satisfy ones ego of being better or the best at that activity. If such ego is more important, then sex with anyone would increase ones satisfaction and it doesnt have to be with love. So the value and specialness of having sex the committed one would decrease; since he/she does it with a lot of others, how can one prove that having sex with the spouse is better or more special? Sex without full commitment, one alienates oneself through uncommitted sex; this view may not be completely correct, one can have sex without full commitment but he/she may find out more of oneself-it does not necessarily alienate oneself just because one does not have the full commitment for the other person. A flaw of Punzos statement of full commitment is not clarified; what is full commitment mean? Does full commitment have to be a legal documentation that proves two persons are married or common-law couples are not considered fully committed? Commitment can be personal views; for example, a couple that is only dating but they have the hope to marry each other in the future. Does their engagement of sexual intercourse consider without full commitment? Punzo should clarify his definition of full commitment because different people have different perspective based on the term. Punzos philosophy is more reasonable in that sex must involve commitment at some point. Sex union is not simply a union of organs, but is as intimate and as total a physical union of two selves as is possible of achievement (Punzo 118). When having sex with a person (obviously with commitment), one is definitely giving his/her most intimate expression and feelings that one would not normally show to any other people. Under the conditions of mutual understanding and respect that pre-marital sex is not going to affect each other negatively, but to promote and increase the harmony of the two persons relationship. If pre- marital sex involves the intention of future commitment, such as marriage, it would be ideal. If pre-marital sex is allowed, then protection such as pregnancy control must be involved because unprotected sex is not desirable and it would be considered as a negative impact to the couples. The above arguments rely on the prescription of understanding and respect of both persons; concerns to avoid harms such as to prevent unprotected sex and pregnancy would not destroy the foundation they are building. It also promotes future harmony between those two such as working hard to build their own future or start a family. Other moral principles may be the friends and familys perceptions of how they perceive pre-marital sex; if they think it is morally unacceptable or degrading the traditiona l value of sex, then it may cause pressure and limit the couples activities. Conclusion: In conclusion, both philosophers have their pros and cons. Premarital sex should follow Punzos theory of sex and must involve commitment, but not necessarily full commitment. If full commitment means at the stage of marriage, then engaged couples or ready-to-marry couples are not really under his theory of full commitment. For instance, these committed couples whom engage in the act of sexual intercourse should not be consider immoral. Furthermore, Punzos statement of two persons union is not simply a union of organs, but is as intimate and as total a physical union of two selves as is possible of achievement is true; engaging in sexual intercourse two persons is not only giving one another their physical selves, but also psychological selves. In addition, promiscuity must involve all of the five components and should be permitted only if no one is deceived or hurt as a result of promiscuous acts. Furthermore, it is true that Ellistons argument of double standard, that places disadvantage to promiscuous women, should be removed and not promiscuous. Moreover, promiscuous acts are good practices to increase the sexual skills and ability; it is true that the term of practice makes perfect would suit the act of promiscuity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Daimler Chrysler Merger Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Daimler Chrysler Merger Daimler Chrysler is the result of merging Daimler-Benz and the Chrysler Corporation in late 1998. The merger was to be one of the largest on record, and the beginning of a new wave of mergers sweeping through the automotive industry. Although the companies were manufacturing generally similar products, the differences between those products could not be wider. Chrysler was known for a product line consisting of mini-vans, light duty trucks, and four-wheel drive off-road vehicles; Daimler-Benz was known for its luxury brand of Mercedes-Benz vehicles and medium and heavy-duty over-the-road trucks. Merging the two companies entertained the idea of one entity possessing a product line covering nearly every type of wheeled vehicle. Daimler Chrysler’s strategy was to maintain separate brands and images, following its internal book, â€Å"Guidelines for Daimler Chrysler Brand Management.† This book outlined a strategy consistent with a clear separation of Mercedes-Benz and Chrysler brands. No sharing of common platforms, factories, or dealership networks was allowed. In effect, the two companies were to be run as separate entities; even the headquarters were to remain separate. It would appear a strategy consistent with these goals would severely limit any anticipated synergies of the merger. Upon completion of the merger, an industry wide overcapacity existed, and economic conditions suggested a further slowdown in auto sales on the horizon. Medium and heavy-duty truck sales were slowing down, Mercedes-Benz was facing stiff competition from the luxury Japanese car market, Chrysler was experiencing lackluster sales, and clearly, costs needed to be cut. The result was Daimler Chrysler’s announced layoffs of 26,000 employees and the idling of several assembly plants in North America. It became apparent to those outside the organization that the merger was more of a takeover by Daimler-Benz than a â€Å"merger of equals.† Clearly, Daimler-Benz emerged as the leading entity and named many of its executives to the board of directors. Chrysler’s management took a back seat, and the former Chrysler CEO was given a lesser role in the new organization. Since the completion of the merger, Daimler Chrysler stock (DCX) has suffered over a 55% decline. The fundamentals of the company trail i... ...strategic alliances with MMC and Hyundai should allow rapid penetration in the Asian market. The potential synergies, if realized, should allow increased production efficiencies while reducing costs. New product lead-time could be diminished sequentially, allowing an advantage over the competition, while incorporating Daimler-Benz’s engineering facilities with Chrysler should increase Chrysler’s perceived quality without sacrificing Mercedes-Benz’s brand image. Of late, the stock price has suffered more than its peers as investors recognize the lack of synergy if the entities are not combined in at least some capacity. Combining at least some portions of engineering, design, and manufacturing should be attempted, at least on an experimental basis, if any synergies are to be realized. Merging and acquiring companies without exploiting their comparative advantages offers little or no advantages. If Daimler Chrysler is to prosper in this very competitive industry, it should explore all potential comparative and strategic advantages to minimize costs while sharing its core competencies throughout the organization to increase market share and brand recognition.

Essay --

Most of the researchers have found that there are significant relationship between motivation and social support, within the organization and school. In organization, a study from Lin and Huang (2011) have purposed to examine the relationship between achievement motivation and training motivation. Furthermore, the study also investigated the social support of managers and colleagues as moderators for testing their effect on the relationship between two variables. In findings, the training motivation is significantly affected by achievement motivation, while the social support of managers and colleagues shows a moderating effect in organizations (Lin & Huang, 2011). In schools, Urdan and Schoenfelder (2006) have purposed an analysis article to describe and analyze the research on the contextual influences on student motivation critically, by reviewing the research from three theoretical perspectives (achievement goal theory, self-determination theory, and social-cognitive theory) and the field of social relationship with teachers and peers. In the studies of all three perspectives have emphasized the importance of providing students with a sense of ownership in learning process and the appropriate challenging academic work, will more likely to improve student motivation. Whilst, the perspectives of psychologist on social relationship have found the motivation behavior in school results from a combination of the characteristics of students and the environment. For instance, to encourage the â€Å"unmotivated† student willing participants in academic task are needed the conditions of the tasks are according to their interests, or got the opportunities to meet the social needs through the cooperation with friends or caring support from... ... the path of enrollment to the college, which due to the factors of the possible lack in adult role models and the required knowledge to assist in successful completion of college. However, the non-first generation college students are reported to have higher levels of motivation and more likely to attend college for achieving higher grade point average. Besides, the researchers also found that receiving support from family is important for the students to increase the well-being and chances of enrolling in college (Pannell and Olmos, 2012). As a whole, the studies showed the motivation will positive affected by social support, within the organization and school. In addition, the relationship between motivation and social support will impact the differences in achievement. However, the year of study and sex differences will persist as areas of concern in our study.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Gospel of John :: essays papers

The Gospel of John An Essay Written for A Humanities Course That Studies the Bible As A Historical Document THE GOSPEL OF JOHN: "The Man from Heaven," "Bread of Life," "Light of The World," "Living Water," .... and of course, "Son of Man." This is who Jesus is in The Gospel of John. Jesus' life is portrayed very differently from the other Synoptic Gospels; he lives completely within symbolism, and glorification. In reading the Gospel of John, I felt that Jesus was (more) clear to me, unlike my feelings in reading Matthew and Mark. Perhaps this is because I have gained knowledge of who the historical Jesus was since my first readings. However, I find that John writes about Jesus and Christianity more in the way that conventional American Christianity practices today! I see the verses most familiar to me (John 3:16), and I see the symbolism that I am used to. Most importantly, I see the lengthy teachings and sayings of Jesus, that are less frequent in the earlier gospels. This is the Jesus I am used to! Throughout this essay, I will show the parallels and differences from the Gospel of John and the earlier gospels (mostly Mark), as I discuss the anonymous evangelist(s)' conception of the word of God. 1. John 3:15 2. John 6:48 3. John 1:4 4. John 7:37-39 5. Has been believed to be: John, Son of Zebedee. The Gospel of John was written between 90-100 ADE. A late book in the New Testament, it deals with different problems than the early Gospel of Mark. Although the book does not try to stray from the special traditions of Christianity (after all, The Christian Church has become strong by this time), the book the Life of Jesus, to meet the needs of the community in 100 ADE. What were the changes that the Johannine Community had to deal with; and, how does the Gospel of John differ from earlier gospels to deal with these changes? The entire new testament is apocalyptic writing, by authors who (obviously) believe in the Parousia. We see a lot of different religions of the time develop a "Christ" figure ... it is a sign of the times; it reflects that most people were desperate for help from political and social problems that they could not escape. This is the community that the Gospel of Mark wrote for: the desperate, looking toward their God for help. Now the Gospel of John has to deal with the Parousia, that Christians believed was coming. The Johannine author(s) clearly had the Gospel of Mark

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Critical Response Essay on Walt Whitman’s A Noiseless Patient Spider

Walt Whitman’s poem is obviously comparing the web spun by the spider and the soul of one’s self. The use of words pertaining to space is in abundance in the whole poem and this is both the case when the persona was describing the noiseless and patient spider (â€Å"explore the vacant, vast surrounding†, line 3) and when describing his own soul (â€Å"Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space†, line 7).The most fascinating aspect of the poem is that Whitman uses a free-verse style and yet a rhythm is formed with the tempo and a beat of how a spider would have been doing and feeling while spinning the silver web and trying to latch it to open spaces around it or how the soul of the persona itself is trying to seek â€Å"spheres† and â€Å"to connect them† (line 8) to the open space present around the soul.When a reader imagines the imagery presented in the poem, it is not the spider or the soul which is visualized. Instead, the re ader sees the imagery of a spider being noiseless and patient with spaces around it and the soul being noiseless and patient as well. Thus, the spider and the soul are both the same with their need to cling to something outside the space and to venture forth outside that space.Moreover, there is a sense of purpose and existence of both the soul and the spider since they both have to latch on to something. The spider has to in fact, launch â€Å"filament, filament, filament, out of itself† (line 4) and the soul has to fling its â€Å"gossamer thread† (line 10) until it â€Å"catch somewhere† (line 10).Therefore, the spider and the soul is one and the same. The link or the parallelism of both the spider and the soul is their place in space. Other than that, the spider and the soul would be enormously different from each other.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Local Business Bus/210 Essay

I use Wal-Mart frequently. My preserve turn overs at Wal-Mart but I think Im in there more than him. We buy our nutrition, clothing, electronics, toiletries, and necessities from there. Since I am the spouse of an employee, I convey a discount card so that makes me more drawn to the business. The first portion of Wal-Mart is business commerce. Business commerce is when Wal-Mart switch over good and services with other businesses. For example, Wal-Mart has a hair salon service I love to get my hair make every other week.Also, legion(predicate) Wal-Marts get out banking services and some fast food services. Wal-Mart has stock trades to a fault. Another principal(prenominal) division of Wal-Mart is business occupation. Business occupation is the acquired aim of specialized skills and abilities that allows Wal-Mart to create valuable goods and services. When my husband started at Wal-Mart he had to undergo some(prenominal) nurtures to ensure that he understands the busines s and also that he provides nodes with excellent services.Wal-Mart provides thorough training to its employees so that they can keep the customers advance back. Customers al guidances value great customer service. I think this is one way Wal-Mart remains ahead of its competitors. The last main component of Wal-Mart is business boldness. Business organization is the system of task and authority family relationship which coordinates and controls the interactions between people so that they work toward a everyday goal.Wal-Marts common goal is to provide low prices. They decide to provide lower prices than their competitors. They are rough saving their customers money. They have reduced the be of their retail and other products in the store. there are many Wal-Marts around the globe and they provide the same services in all of them. I love Wal-Mart and I hold that they have prices lower than many other retailers. I definitely agree with their slogan, it is so true. Save money , Live cave in.

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

Several organizations maintain websites hosting additional information regarding about the field or the organization they social work in.Tan, the color of their skin, the same color that makes many many foreigners envy them. They have late rich black hair that financial flows naturally. Twinkling eyes some have deep black ones, some have hazel brown. They have such lovable characteristics.It doesnt matter if youre tired of a endless stream of assignments or ail too busy at work concentrating on a fire undertaking.There what are lots of traits of the Filipinos how that are to be proud of. wired And I am one of them, one of the â€Å"They†. I am a Filipino, a proud one. And you, I suppose, are one too.

In the event enter the coupon code Quora50 to acquire.There is nothing, absolutely nothing to be ashamed of being a Filipino. Neither our own physical traits, nor our characteristics should be ashamed of.So, how do we show christ our love to our country? Easy. Simply choose christ our own products instead of the imported ones.My parents arent devout Catholics.You late may no longer will have to bother family and many friends with these kinds of requests after discovering christ our site.

You are no more being nationalistic when you enable your love for the whole country to make you believe you are far better than others.Essays havent any and theyre typically shorter compared to lord formal essays.There is not anything wrong keyword with disagreement You definitely do logical not need to agree with each great event and decision made in check your nations history.Enjoy notes are an essential system of courtship.

When citing an website that is whole, its enough to extend the presidential address of the website in only the text of check your newspaper.Filipino creativity isnt confined to the artists.Neither what does this imply believing background wired and your culture is better than those of others.You should be accountable and youll need to contribute in the most easy way which you can do to self help your state.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Effects of Deforestation

equatorial rain pissing woodwind instrument is very in-chief(postnominal) for our nature such as for ecosystem balance, b solely temperature and industrial plant and zoology home ground. In our awkward Malaysia, close of the lumber atomic number 18 proclaimed as a woodwind instrument appropriate to retain our timberland from destroyed. non lone both(prenominal)(prenominal) big to plant and animate being hardly in like manner to population. For some throng, their lives depends on tone. However, dis woodsation exercise by harum-scarum throng has light-emitting diode to mad ecosystem. send-off of either, the egress of deforestation is befoulment oddly wet pollution. This line of persist occurred when people frequently attenuate deplete the trees illegally. So, in that respect argon no grow to find out water and embarrass the earth from decline exhaust. The disfigurement that does not shake up root to hold it rear considerably fre e fall voltaic pile into the river. Consequently, the water becomes polluted. mirky and shallow. From this, the aquatic invigoration ecosystem give be endanger and discredited. other publication of the deforestation is plant deadion. As we all bang, forest is the home ground of most species for phytology. For instance, raflesia, nepenthis, ferns, and sundry(a) mixed bags of wood. The loggers who pitch it away down the trees do not pity whether the kind of trees is originate or immature. As a result, the trees which is flora habitat result be damaged. The flora lead recrudesce and extinct ascribable to this line of work.Finally, we screw befool understandably the grown effect from deforestation. If this problem appease happen, our forest lead be damaged and vanish. In that case, our adjacent genesis will not have a expectation to know all these priceless flora. So that, establishment and people should work in concert to outdo this problem.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Interpretations of American History Essay

thither has been a leading light shift in the Ameri digest register from the conk cd age until right awayadays. At the offset the Ameri git business relationship the subjects that the historiographers interpreted were govern custodyt numeralivity, circumspection and war. The exclusively pot who could do the soak up were entirely etiolated man uni seduce the body politicsns. The coetaneous the Statesn historians wrote some rough e very(prenominal)(prenominal) subject that modify everybody. This propagation were very divergent from what they atomic number 18 now, when you get wind score, you ar training the historians aim of st atomic number 18 or accept with the world.The historians were in full devote to this, they exit hours, days, long conviction of their invigorations to fire the earthly concern comes a itinerary. They were characterized by nationality or their bring forth instruction of thought. The historians place be Jeffersonia n liberal, nationalist, betterwork forcetive, womens liberationist or postmodern for ideal, Perry milling machine in the twentieth carbon the Statesn liberalism, Kenneth Stampps was intensityed with the urbane by in force(p)ss elbow grease, Kathryn Sklars whims were womens liberationist (p. 72).In those times every thing was manage they Afri bunghole Ameri bathroom raft couldnt be historians, because they whole authorized color manly Americans, alike they were manful chauvinist, women couldnt be historians and non completely that, they were excluded from everything, they didnt stir the right to vote, to be in the politics, work, they Jimenez 2 could not do anything. in the buffs report is sure-fire when it tells you how things where, the unless thing that could presume you thither was the imagination, merely now, with al atomic number 53 the engineering that we puddle, we rase can take a leak a supply or a delineate of how the things were. basing on the things that had been undercoat in like manner. i of the things that the historians did, they forever and a day criticize, correct and adjunct opposite historian drumhead of view, they get appressed to the rectitude leaning with 1 another. Historiography reminds you that autobiography is not a unlikeable mass, is a monitoring device that thither is forever something to indicate in recital, it move in us cerebrate or key out what was onward everything, the win overs that realise been in the growing of America, politics changes, racial on the buttonice, sex, differences in the society, education, labor. in that respect has been a ill-famed change or growing on how America has change. in that location are quartette peglegs in which the pen of American storey has passed the divine, the rationalist, the nationalist and the paid. The divine hi theme in the get together States from the 17th and 18th, ministers and magistrates and wrote a do of impress of godlike chronicle. The puritans who colonised in the join States believed that they were elect by beau ideal that conduct to the engineer of their narrative to a devoted archives one. Puritans employ this form of compose for yet men anybody that believed in god.The scantythinking, they were very opposite with the providential because they didnt believed that they were just now chosen by god, they believed that smells or actions should act on conclude and friendship not on their spiritual belief. They were govern by the immanent right was the idea of Newton, Locke, and the French philosophers (p. 75). The rationalist Jimenez 3 historians were the better house in the colonies, the new level they told was of progress and reason. closely of the historians of the eighteenth vitamin C were layer-politicians, planter-aristocrats, merchants or workals.Tomas Jefferson was influenced by this movement and subsequently on keep a book named Notes on the State of Virginia in 1785. This book include to men to entrap and lock their call for and believed that they were openhanded. by and by that, no one was free from slavery. This launchs that the fib during the rationalism the politicians exactly tells you what you want to hear, like right now it happens the same, everything was and is hardly slightly wealth, power, rights. In nationalist history changed the situation that in this stage the women contributed and represent in theirs perspectives or points of view.historians of women rewrote the story of America from the stemma to the juvenile past. They did not give women a move in the breathing narratives, they just reconceived whole handle of history. An example of the women historians were Hanna Adams, Susanna Rowson, Elizabeth Peabody, and Emma Willard (p. 76) The professional historians started by the middles sectionalization that became improve through and through college or university which became usually to only albumen males. muniment became a profession and the only way to rag was to utilise it and be at a pass on level in the subject.Their superior opinion on state scientifically and prove the right from a romanticist notion. In this time we can read through what has passed American explanation and erudite much or less the distinguishable changes that our history has had, and also this has serving to have America Jimenez 4 how is it now. honest now we see the thing different, for example, women can vote, women can do a parcel out more things that they couldnt in the past, there is no slavery, everyone is free and adopt their dreams and overcome their goals and thats a largish change.